
Leadership Development:
Works at all levels of organizations to identify and develop leadership talent. The emphasis is on individual development planning systems that emphasize building on individual strengths while appropriately improving critical weaknesses. Self sustaining processes that keep responsibility with the individual while insuring the critical organizational systems and resources are integrated into the culture.

Change Management:
Successfully implementing organizational change has both a leadership and a psychological aspect to it. Working with both the top leadership and the individual leader to develop both the strategies, skills and the processes to insure resistance is effectively managed and the new is implemented in a timely cost effective manner is the critical focus.

Individual relationships that focus on building the trust necessary to provide critically needed feedback, a broad knowledge of leadership skills and the ability to develop individual accountability are the keys to effectively coaching at all levels.

Organizational Effectiveness:
Existing work groups often require outside perspective to identify and the implement the strategies, communications and relationships necessary to accomplish the organizations goals and priorities. Improving effectiveness often involves facilitating the group to confront and then develop systems, clarity, relationships and the discipline to function effectively as a team.

Training and Development:
Developing the skills necessary to effectively accomplish required responsibilities is a complex process of needs analysis, clear objectives, research, design and development, plus the ability to effectively present the material in an engaging provocative manner. Utilizing the right strategies in a manner that both effectively teaches the skills and motivates learners to utilize the skills on the job is the primary objective of well designed and delivered training.

[651] 592-6511
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